Photos of Parables in the Park, June 2017 – to see more, visit this google page.
An article about FPC Guymon in Presbyterians Today magazine (Spring 2013):
Click article to read a larger copy.
Some of the outreach programs we support include:
The LOGOS program is a shared children’s ministry of FPC and First Christian Church. Since 1998 more than 60 neighborhood children have come to FPC each week for recreation, bible study, instruction in worship skills and a home-cooked family-style meal. You can CONNECT by being a table parent, working with the kitchen crew, teaching a class, bringing your musical gifts, or playing games.
Loaves and Fishes
This local food pantry is supported by annual financial contributions as well as monthly food donations. You can CONNECT by serving when we stock shelves and distribute groceries throughout the year
Oaks of Mamre
Homeless shelter and life transition assistance. You can CONNECT by helping to prepare a monthly meal for residents.
Igreja Presbiteriana Missional do Buritis in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. You can CONNECT by hosting members of our sister congregation in your home when they come to America to help us with our outreach to Guymon’s international community; or you can TRAVEL to visit our friends in Brazil for work and worship.
Love Never Fails Ministries This project sponsors an orphanage for more than 700 children in Uganda. You can CONNECT by providing funds, school supplies or traveling with a mission team to serve.
Solar Under the Sun This project of Synod of the Sun provides solar power to communities in great need. You can CONNECT by providing funds, by attending Solar School to learn how to build and install the solar power unit, or by traveling with a mission team to install the units in communities around the world.
Watershed Arts
FPC helps support Garold and Lori Andersen in their missionary work around the world.
Alocholics Anonymous (AA) & Alanon
meet weekly in our education building.
Goodland Academy
A ministry of the Presbyterian Church and a home for boys in Hugo,OK
Ste. Croix Hospital, Haiti
A joint mission of the PCUSA and Episcopal churches with an emphasis on AIDS that serves 250,000 Haitians
Texas County Council for Senior Citizens
Heifer Project International
Heifer Project addresses world hunger with initiatives that encourage self-sustained farming and animal husbandry.
In addition, FPC supports the ministries of the PCUSA through annual contributions to the Peacemaking Funds, Hunger Fund and Joy Offering.